Friday, June 26, 2015

ADACI Washington, DC Libations for the Ancestors, June 20

Healers seated at Union Baptist Church in the Historic Anacostia

Participants took off their shoes and went onto the altar, where we were
invited to leave a message for an ancestor

On the altar. Sankofa is to my right.

Union Baptist Church

Sister Eurika, Brother Adeyemi, and Sister Wanda

Wanda with President General Senghor Jawara Baye El (UNIA)

Babalawo Fakunle Oyesanya, President, ADACI Nigeria
performs the libation

Libation to the Ancestors. The Babalowa holds a kola nut, which he breaks
into pieces with his teeth andthen throws them on the floor to read the message.
He does this three times, then tells us what is communicated.

Babalawo Fakunle Oyesanya fills his mouth with water and sprays it.

Pouring libations.

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